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Resident Relationship Wizard

 Fred is a licensed marriage and family counselor, relationship and life coach with over 25 years of experience. With a triple master’s degree and seven years of NLP training, Fred has coached top celebrities, athletes, and multimillionaires. 

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Join Fred Every Other Monday on TV! 

Tune in every other Monday with our Resident Relationship Wizard as we tackle both common and intense relationship issues. With over 25 years of experience, Fred has a proven track record of helping individuals and couples repair and save relationships on the verge of separation. Want a FREE coaching session? Book a call here! 

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Want to Join us on TV?

Need guidance in your relationship? Want a chance to be featured on TV with us? 📞✨

Let Fred guide you and each you valuable skills to use in your relationships moving forward. We'll welcome you on the show and give you practical tools you can use moving forward. Book a call here to qualify! 

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